Friday, March 29, 2013

Wow. Sounds like things were great at Barnes farewell. I wish I could've heard!! I can't wait to see pictures! Tell him I love him. Our ward really is so great. Tell them hello for me. Also tell all "the neighborhood girls" I say hello. The hiking sounds fun! I miss seeing Mountains. We had weather like that here too. Only it was 80's and the next day 30's! Let me know how the trip went.Training is good, I actually have done it before, they just barely started sending out letters. My companion is so great. I've been blessed to always have wonderful companions who are always my friend, and give me strength when I'm weak.
We had such a great lesson the other day. We've been teaching a woman who has come from a dark past. She's made huge changes, long before we met her, and continues to make changes as we're meeting with her. We had a lesson the other day, and felt impressed to focus on the gospel of Jesus Christ. We started by teaching that through the gospel we can be clean from sin. The spirit was strong, and then we movd into teaching about faith and repentance. As we talked about these first principles of the gospel the spirit was very thick. Before long she told us a concern that we've never heard from her. We've been meeting with this woman for about 4 months now. She said, "even though I've left that life behind for some reason I just can't feel worthy. Like, when I go to church it's not really me and who I am." She said "I know His forgiveness is real, but my old life is what I was raised to know, it's hard for me to feel like it's not who I am, even though I don't do those things anymore." My heart almost broke, when I heard this. If she only could see herself the way God see's her. If she could only know who she really is. It takes my breath away.
We were lead to very specific stories to share from the scriptures. The spirit continued to grow stronger. Then our team-up bore testimony of a similar experience and how powerful the atonement is. They both began to cry and I knew the Lord was telling our friend within her own soul, that His forgiveness is real. It's amazing to see the atonement at work so constantly. It was at work the moment we walked into the home and we said the prayer. It was at work as the spirit settled into the room. It was at work when she told us her concern, and we were guided with what to share. It was at work as the spirit testifed to and touched her heart. What a beautiful lesson it was.
We had another one with Jewel as well. We watched the restoration and the spirit was so powerful. We got down on our knees and prayed 3 times during the lesson, for the Lord to reveal to Jewel the truthfulness of our message. She cried in all of her prayers, and the spirit testified to her heart that our message is true. I can't describe the sweet and beautiful feelings of power, peace, and testimony that fill the room when we teach- but it's a remarkable experience every time. It fills and satisfies the soul of every person in the room, if they will open their heart to it.
Sister Forbush and I are learning from on high how to teach with greater convincing power of the spirit, and how to discern the thoughts of our investigators. What a marvelous work we are engaged in. What a wonder it is to see hearts changed and convinced of the Lords message. I know these experiences are real, and that they came from the Lord and his imparted spirit. I've witnessed the Lord communicate to hearts that Joseph is a prophet, the Book of Mormon is His word, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is his restored church once again upon the Earth. It will come to all who sincerely seek the answer. Of this I know and testify, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
I love you all. I know He lives.
Sister Lewis
1.Carl's baptism!
2. Ernestine, Carl, Mrs Betty. Mrs. Betty introduced them to the gospel! We just love her.
3. The schedule we had to work out for all the new sisters coming to serve at the jail, and the decrease in cars. It took SO MANY HOURS! I had to use parts of my brain that I despise using. Lol. when all the math finally fell into place it was such a miracle. Suddenly all the numbers connected. I understood for maybe 10 minutes why people loved math. Because it's so rewarding when it all fits into place. Then I went back to despising it (too strong?) because it's so hard to work out!

Our lost phone! and the other one is of Carl. We love him! He's 89. And reading the Book of Mormon, coming to church and praying to know if it's true. He's so great. He thinks I'm German and that Sister Forbush would be a good wife because she's soft spoken. HAHAH. Carl carved what he's holding!

Snow storm! We lost our phone during this storm. The next email will be us finding it, AFTER ALL THE SNOW MELTED! LOL.
6. Friend from Lee Summitt. She used to come out with us to lessons all the time. We were so happy to see each other!
7. Mrs. Betty! She brought Ernestine and Carl to the gospel :)
8. Thank you for my V-day treat!
9. Lost on the way to Zone meeting. WHY DOES IT ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME!? Lol. We went 30 minutes on the wrong free way.

1. The Ruis family we LOVE!
2. A Sr. couple who is going to Barnes mission! They said they'd look for him!
3-4. Sister Forbush and I trying out Vienna sausages. Ew.
5. A special tour we took at the jail.

March 19th
Hey mom! Thanks for the email :) I can't believe Barnes farewell is this weekend! Wow that's crazy. I'm excited for him. I think all of those things you mentioned he will gain if he serves with his heart. :) Thanks for getting school taken care of. I've actually briefly thought about switching to BYU. With all the sisters leaving on missions enrollments are low and it would be very easy to get in right now. We'll see what happens when I get back. I would rather go back to BYUI. But it might make more sense to try BYU. I've thought about talking to Austin about it, but I don't want to worry or think about it, I only have so much time left where I don't have to concern myself with those matters. So I'll just figure it out when I get back. I don't really want you to post these things on the blog- about April and Jewel. Just because I don't think they'd appreciate their stories up for everyone to read. But things with April are going so well! I called her this week and she said that she was on vacation but she made sure to pack her Book of Mormon. Before I called her I was praying and to know what to say and that she'd feel the spirit and I felt so strongly that she knows. The spirit has already told her. I even felt that she knows she knows, but she's denying it. I prayed that I'd have the chance to tell her that. We laughed and talked. I just love her so much, I'm sure we'll be friends for a very long time. But as I was teaching about the apostasy we started to discuss her questions and concerns and I said, "April everything will be answered if you just know that the Book of Mormon is God's book. It all hinges on that. All you need is to gain a witness the book is from God." She agreed and then I said. "April, you already know this is all true. Your heart knows it. You've felt it. The spirit has born witness. You're just afraid. I know it, you even know it. you know you know, you're just unwilling to let your mind catch up with your heart." She never denied what I said, she just went into her fears and concerns about joining the church. She committed to pray for strength to accept the Lords answer and to continue to read and pray. She has really been thinking alot about her readings. I just LOVE her. She's so wonderful. We got off the phone and I was filled with such an overwhelming joy, that I can't describe. I'm so anxious for her to accept what she already knows. I hope she gets baptized soon, but I also kind of hope it's after my mission so I can go! lol. I don't know how i'd get there she's in North Carolina. Maybe when she goes through the temple. I really feel she'll get there soon. When we were hanging up she said, thank you so much. I always feel so much peace when we talk, and these conversations really help. Little does she know how much they help me as well. I truly feel that she is my friend. Jewel is also doing so well! She came to Presidents devotional this last Sunday and she really felt the spirit. She was crying and said, "I think this is going to happen for me a lot sooner than I thought." She's so prepared it's unreal. We know that her husband is playing a huge role in helping her receive the gospel. We know angels are preparing the hearts of men, just like Alma says. It's amazing to see and feel that. I love this work. It's hard. It's challenging. We're on the front lines of the battle with Satan. But the Lord protects his servants, and we have no cause to fear. You see remarkable miralces and trajedies on the front lines. This is a work my heart loves. I'm grateful to be able to serve our God in this manner. I'm grateful that because I am part of the tribe of  Ephraim I know it's my responsibility and the Lord will give me opportunities to be such a missionary throughout the whole of my life. It is the desire of my heart.
well I love you all very much!!
Here's a scripture for you mom- regarding what you said about blessings outweighing the sacrifices:
Romans 8:18 "I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." Our sacrifices and sufferings are not even worthy of the comparison of our blessings. What a remarkable thought. I have faith in this scripture. I believe it to be true. I cannot see it. But I beleive my Savior and trust that my blessings will not have comparison to my sacrifices. How great is our God.