Sunday, October 7, 2012

Well things here are going well. I'm sorry this is a short letter as well. The computers at the Library are all full, and only the 15 minute ones are available.
I'm learning more of the Lords love. I know he loves us. I especially loved the Relief Society Broadcast when the 1st counslor said "I love you." Those words were so tender, and I was grateful that she loved me. I sincerely felt that it was true and it was comforting to me to know that she loved me, with a Christlike love, even though she's never met me. Imagine if we could all share that Christlike love with each other. How much kinder, would this life be? How much easier would it be for our fellow men and ourselves to overcome trials. I love the perfect example of our Savior, especially his perfect example of love. I'm grateful for His chosen servents who express and represent that love so well. I'm grateful for the examples of others.
I love you all so much.
Have a wonderful week!
Sister Lewis

On Mon, Oct 1, 2012

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